
16. Control the good leading and saving the school documentation and putting the school stamp with national flag.
17. It consisted in the school before all the states and public organization-
18. When miss more a little in 30 calendàr days, the front that will depute him.
/2/ determines with an injunction the principal worked based on year plan of the gymnasium.
Article 9 The principal is president on PS. Service the viewed questions in the lead guarantees her businesslike creation, making expedient decisions it staged them performance.
Article 10 The principal issues injunctions for:
1. Un-instructional missed days according to KT and another normative documents.
2. Concluding time limit for formation of terminable year old judgments.
3. Punishments of students, pedagogical un-pedagogical personnel.
4. Class-heads in the beginning-each school year.
5. Watch on the teachers in the secondary school.
6. Deputations designated in the directions of MON and the present rule at holding examinations.
7. Dates for remedial, graduated examinations and examinations of students of unassisted training agreed PPZNP
8. Three terms for equal examinations for each newly accepted schoolchild of the current academic year.
9. Prizes of schoolchildren, teachers and employees.
10. Authorized faces
11. Work time
Article 11 Gives an opportunity on the teachers to win pension right in time on the academic year, to work until ending up of the instructional term, or for the instructional year
Article 12 /1/ The orders of the principal are essential for the teachers, the other staff of the school and the students.
/2/ The orders that are in conflict with the law can be revoked by more senior organs on the principal.
/3/ The director doesn't have the right:
1. To undertakes actions documents on the education and the opinions of PS
2. To make with direct actions or un-working activities, breaking the school order.
3. To give orders, breaking the law and dignity of a member of the school society.
4. To un-work and wait indications in extreme situations.
5. To serve himself with un-legal and un-moral means during accomplishing of control
6. To abuse with the intervention in the professional-art activity of the teachers.
7. To use un-democracy methods and means to lead.
8. To allows political and sectarian activity on the territory on the school
Article 13 The director produces transports the competent organs The following facts and proposals
1. On the needed school documentation on beginning and settlements on the academic year.
2. The allotment of the objects for the hours as well between the teachers.
3. Lowered away, agreed settled classes static time limits of the central statistical government with MS.
4. Lowered away according to the established circularities and deadlines of MON.
Article 14 the principal saves the school coat stamp.
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