
8 undertake the examination work of each student of work-him point. The on duty in the hallway accompany the students during their exits from the examination ballrooms
/3/ after finishing the examination:
1. They frame the statement for holding the examination.
2. Shows the written works and statements in booklets.
3. Handed-down the documentation of the president of the school-graduate committee or at the committee for technical training he work out and betray to be the principal.
Article 18 /1 / the teacher-examination committees members are being determined according to the conditions of MON.
/2/ works in rooms, determined on, with order of the principal and the handed - down consequences since the checkouts had formed in statements in a deadline, determined on, with order of the principal.
Section 2: Class-head
Article The 1 class-head has the right to disabuse schoolchildren instructional lessons with exceeding cases until 3/three/ days all told at written solicitation of the parents.
Article 2 Changes restructures the plan to the class-principal after coordination with the principal.
Á / Obligations
Article 1 To introduce the students with the statute-book in the evening high school.
Article 2 Cooperated for masterminding effective instructional- educative work with his class.
Article3 Informed periodically PS and the management on the school for the good health social state of the pupils from the entrusted to him/her class of the permitted violations.
Article 4 To looks for the purity and the order in the classroom and for setting the base.
Article 5 To lead rightly the documentation of the class-diary, student’s notebooks and more.
Article 6 When the time comes necessitate by the direction you are statistical data about the class.
Article 7 Class-head informs the parents for violations and issues made by their children, and the penalties they had.
Article 8 Starts permitting absences at article136 and 137 the class-head when the time comes in writing advises the parent or the conservator of the pupil.
Article 9 Made compulsive proposals they start awarding or punishing the pupils from his class. At least one day before meeting of PS brings written proposal for punishment in article139 Al.1 .1 and .2 from PPZNP had signed by the student.
Head 7. Ruling and resources indemnity
Article 1 Organs are the principal and PS in the school for rule. The school guardianship affirms itself as a pan for collaborative work between a school, parents and a populace. Article-2 The principal of the high school concludes, changes and ends the labor contracts with the pedagogical and not pedagogical staff according to KT, direction-2 of 97 of MON as well.
A decree-6 of 2002 has the right to delegate to the teachers work of pedagogical staff.
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